Nobody's Fault But Mine
It's time to take responsibility for our actions! In today's world of blaming others for our situation, let's change the narrative. It's up to us to put one foot in front of the other and move forward, stay right where we're at, or move backward. Just a real, informative, and sometimes funny Podcast about life and all the things that make it great if you let it. Oh, and we talk about Business, Music, Pets, Hobbies, Faith, and a host of other things too. Should be a fun ride.
Nobody's Fault But Mine
Episode 2: Music and Technology's influence on Life
Eric Lindsey
Season 1
Episode 2
A little longer episode this time but we dive into how Music and Technology has influenced all of our lives over the past 30 years. The advancements made in Technology cannot be overstated. Huge. And music, always has had such an impact on cultures, emotions and life. In fact, most of you have a song that instantly brings you back to a moment in time with good memories. Songs, artists or genres of music have such a solid place in our lives, and I am the same. This episode explores all of that and helps explain in a little more detail why this podcast has come to exist in the first place. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.