Nobody's Fault But Mine
It's time to take responsibility for our actions! In today's world of blaming others for our situation, let's change the narrative. It's up to us to put one foot in front of the other and move forward, stay right where we're at, or move backward. Just a real, informative, and sometimes funny Podcast about life and all the things that make it great if you let it. Oh, and we talk about Business, Music, Pets, Hobbies, Faith, and a host of other things too. Should be a fun ride.
Nobody's Fault But Mine
Toxic Family Members: Holiday events are supposed to be fun, right?
Eric Lindsey
Season 1
Episode 9
Everyone has that one person, or family member in their life. And with the Holiday's coming up, we are forced to deal with them again. Well, in this episode we explore Toxic Family Members, the characteristics that make them so, and how to deal with them. Hopefully this discussion sheds light on some key things to work on or accomplish when it comes to a Toxic Family Member.