Nobody's Fault But Mine
It's time to take responsibility for our actions! In today's world of blaming others for our situation, let's change the narrative. It's up to us to put one foot in front of the other and move forward, stay right where we're at, or move backward. Just a real, informative, and sometimes funny Podcast about life and all the things that make it great if you let it. Oh, and we talk about Business, Music, Pets, Hobbies, Faith, and a host of other things too. Should be a fun ride.
Nobody's Fault But Mine
Where Did Christmas Actually Come From?
Eric Lindsey
Season 1
Episode 10
In this Episode we research exactly how Christmas came about. The ups and downs it went through over the last 2000 years and what it really represents. Is it the real birthday of Jesus? What exactly does it have to do with Christianity? Alot of really heavy questions but ones that I hope to answer throughout the podcast. Make sure to listen until the end!!! Thank you for listening and learning more about Christmas and it's place in our lives. God Bless.