Nobody's Fault But Mine
It's time to take responsibility for our actions! In today's world of blaming others for our situation, let's change the narrative. It's up to us to put one foot in front of the other and move forward, stay right where we're at, or move backward. Just a real, informative, and sometimes funny Podcast about life and all the things that make it great if you let it. Oh, and we talk about Business, Music, Pets, Hobbies, Faith, and a host of other things too. Should be a fun ride.
Nobody's Fault But Mine
Time Management Hacks - 12 ways to be the CEO of your Time
Eric Lindsey
Season 2
Episode 5
I heard someone in a YouTube video once say that we are all the "CEO's of our own bank of time". We control the minutes we have each and every day. And we can either use them for success or waste them. Spend them wisely or foolishly. Just like money. But I would argue that time is much more valuable than money. So, I put together some tips on better time management sprinkled with my own experiences thorughout my career. Hope they help and you enjoy. God Bless.